Authenticating astrological gemstone quality

Are you unsure about the best way to "test" gemstones at a certain time? There is no one right or wrong way to evaluate a gemstone, and there is no right or wrong way to react during the testing procedure. While some people might immediately become attached to their diamond or have great experiences, others might not notice any noticeable differences, and that's completely fine too. If the gemstone is properly recommended and purchased without internal resistance, it will probably result in favourable results over time.

In order to prevent losing the gem, we advise being cautious of where you put it, paying close attention to your gut feelings, and making an effort to connect with and enjoy the gem while you have the chance.


In order to prevent losing the gem, we advise being cautious of where you put it, paying close attention to your gut feelings, and making an effort to connect with and enjoy the gem while you have the chance. You should like and find it fascinating to examine these unique and beautiful natural marvels known as gems! Here are some ideas to consider when determining whether a gemstone is appropriate.


Meditation with the gem

A clear connection with the stone can be made possible by using the simple practise of meditation to calm the mind. During meditation, alpha and theta brainwaves are engaged, which makes it simpler to detect tiny changes in physiology.

Alternatively, you can simply sit for a few minutes with your eyes closed, your attention on your breath, and the gemstone in your hand, observing how you feel as your body and mind relax.

During meditation, you can also place the gemstone on the appropriate planetary finger, the third eye, or the centre of your forehead (heart chakra).


Putting the stone beneath your pillow while you sleep


This technique is used to examine a Jyotish gemstone. Again, there is no right or wrong way to test a gemstone; some people are sensitive to the energy of gemstones, while others are not.


Obtain opinions from loved ones and friends.

During the gemstone testing stage, other people may be able to see changes in our behaviour before we can. While you are wearing the gemstone, ask individuals nearby to observe your level of clarity, your ability to communicate, your reaction, your emotional balance, your mood, and your general energy.

Give it the muscle test

Kinesiology, often known as muscle testing, is a useful technique for getting "yes" or "no" answers regarding a person's physiological compatibility with a good or object. The easiest way is to press down on an extended hand to feel how the body reacts to the object being held in the other hand.

If performed properly, research has shown that kinesiology may be pretty successful, so it's worth giving it a shot if you get the chance.


Use medical tape to hold the gem in place.

The most popular technique for testing gemstones before the invention of silver tester lockets was to wrap them onto a finger with medical tape. Many clients have left our office throughout the years with bandaged fingers.

You can even tape the gemstone to your chest if you don't want others to ask what caused the harm to your finger. We advise against taking a shower or getting the tape wet while wearing it. Use as many bandages as necessary to hold the stone in place.


The stone should remain in your wallet.

This is yet another easy way to keep a gemstone nearby for a few days. To make it simple to find, keep it in a tiny bag inside your wallet. Simply maintaining a gemstone in and around your energy field can have a tremendous effect, even if it is not in contact with your skin.

Examine your gut and heart.

Most people can decide whether or not they like a gemstone after spending some time with it. Some people, however, get overly analytical during the testing procedure and are unable to make decisions after the trial period has ended. In such circumstances, make an effort to calm your head and let your heart to guide you.

Contact Bidhan Gems right away to purchase pure, tested gemstones.